A Beginner’s Guide to Email Marketing
You might have heard of email marketing on the internet or during one of your meetings. You might have also heard that it boosts business communications, increases sales and is cost-effective. But, have you wondered what it is and how it works? How is an email more effective than any other form of advertisement? Why should your business spend the time to maintain a mailing list?
Today, email marketing has become an essential tool for every business. It is an incredible way to communicate with your audience and promote their journey through the sales and marketing funnel, turning strangers into happy customers. You’d be surprised to know that the Direct Marketing Association found a substantial increase in their email communication as compared to their usage 3 years ago.
Good email marketing is valuable, relevant, and quality-driven.
Always start with great content, and don’t settle for anything less. Before starting out, put yourself in your customers’ shoes and ask yourself if this is something you want to read. Whether you’ve been sending emails to your subscribers for 5 days or 5 years, consider how you might be able to improve your content every now and then.
Professional writers often talk about the importance of ‘benefits-focused’ writing instead of listing a bunch of product or service features. This often applies to emails too. Relevant content is the key to creating engaging emails. Make sure your content is informative, compelling, and tailored to your target audience.
Your subscribers not only like to receive good emails, but also expect it. Timely and consistent emails will keep your subscribers engaged.
Let’s dive deeper into the types of emails you should be sending to your subscribers.
Welcome mails are the ones you send subscribers within 24 hours of them opting into your list. You can express your gratitude and lay out some of the things they can expect to receive in their inbox.
Newsletters are a smart way of staying in touch with both existing and potential customers while keeping them informed about your products and services. It can be in the form of a press release, promotions, sale offers, or even some interesting news about your company.
Sponsorship mails help you reach a new audience and generate leads for your business. Product launches, events, and limited/seasonal offers are some examples of great content.
Thank you mails helps strengthen the relationship and increase engagement with your subscribers. There are many opportunities to send a thank you email; for example, after a purchase, holidays, milestone, renewals, etc.
New product mails are sent when you launch a product or new inventory comes in. You already know who your customers are so it’s a great way to jumpstart your sales.
It’s not okay to spam your subscribers’ inbox with too many mails. If you still think sending out frequent emails is important to your business, make sure they are well differentiated. This way, you know that you will not lose subscribers and that they are truly engaged. At the end of it, your business should always aim to see higher click rates, which will lead to increased sales.
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